py-dirty-equals | Core functionality for pydantic | |
py-displaylang (V) | Just enough Python to write displays | |
py-distlib | Distribution utilities | |
py-distorm3 | Powerful Disassembler Library For x86/AMD64 | |
py-distributed (V) | Distributed is the parallel scheduler for dask | |
py-distro | OS platform information API | |
py-distutils-extra (V) | Enhancements to the Python build system | |
py-divmod-epsilon (V) | Python utilities package, most famous for its Time class | |
py-django-gitrevision (V) | Django git revision | |
py-django-nose (V) | Django test runner that uses nose | |
py-django-sslserver (V) | SSL-enabled development server for Django | |
py-dlx (V) | Implementation of Donald Knuth's Dancing Links algorithm | |
py-dm-tree | Library for working with nested data structures | |
py-doc8 | Opinionated style checker for rst styles of documentation | |
py-docker (V) | Python library for the Docker Engine API | |
py-docopt | Helps creating command-line interfaces | |
py-docstyle | Python docstring style checker | |
py-doctor | Python API document generator | |
py-dogpile-cache | Caching front-end based on the Dogpile lock | |
py-dotenv | Add .env support to your django/flask apps | |
py-dpath (V) | Filesystem-like pathing and searching for dictionaries | |
py-drawille (V) | Drawing in terminal with unicode braille characters | |
py-dsltools (V) | Creating and traversing recursively nested data structures | |
py-dulwich | Python implementation of Git | |
py-easydev (V) | Common utilities to ease the development of Python packages | |
py-editables | Editable installations | |
py-editorconfig-core | Editorconfig python library | |
py-eight2 (V) | Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate | |
py-empty-files | Null Object pattern for files | |
py-entrypoints | Discover and load entry points from installed packages | |
py-enum-compat (V) | Enum/enum34 compatibility package | |
py-enum34 | Python 3.4 Enum backported | |
py-eventlet (V) | Highly concurrent networking library | |
py-exceptiongroup | Backport of PEP 654 (exception groups) | |
py-execnet | Rapid multi-Python deployment | |
py-executor (V) | Programmer friendly subprocess wrapper | |
py-expiringdict | Dictionary with auto-expiring values for caching purposes | |
py-expression (V) | Practical functional programming for Python 3.8+ | |
py-extension-helpers | Utilities for building and installing packages with extensions | |
py-extras | Useful extra bits for Python | |
py-extratools | Extra functional tools beyond standard libraries | |
py-extremes (V) | Production-quality Min and Max objects (adapted from PEP 326) | |
py-face (V) | Command-line application framework (and CLI parser) | |
py-factory_boy | Versatile test fixtures replacement | |
py-factory-boy (V) | Test fixtures replacement for Python | |
py-fakefs | Fake file system that mocks the Python file system modules | |
py-faker | Python package that generates fake data for you | |
py-falcon | Unladen web framework for building APIs and app backends | |
py-fann2 | Python bindings for Fast Artificial Neural Network (FANN) | |
py-fastavro (V) | Fast read/write of AVRO files | |
py-fastdtw (V) | Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm with an O(N) | |
py-fasteners | Python package providing useful locks | |
py-fastimport | Fastimport parser and generator in Python | |
py-fedmsg (V) | Fedora Messaging Client API | |
py-fields | Container class boilerplate killer | |
py-filebytes | Library to read and edit ELF, PE, MachO and OAT files | |
py-filechunkio | Chunck files for input/output | |
py-filelock | Platform independent file lock | |
py-fire | Python DFU tool for updating Nitrokeys' firmware | |
py-fixtures | Fixtures, reusable state for writing clean tests and more | |
py-fjd (V) | File-based job distribution for everyone | |
py-flake8 | Modular source code checker for Python programs | |
py-flake8-docstrings | Extension for flake8 using pydocstyle to check docstrings | |
py-flake8-import-order | Flake8 and pylama plugin that checks the ordering of import statements | |
py-flake8-polyfill | Polyfill package for Flake8 plugins | |
py-flakes | Passive checker of Python programs | |
py-flaky | Plugin for nose or py.test that automatically reruns flaky tests | |
py-flatbuffers (V) | The FlatBuffers serialization format for Python | |
py-flexmock | Mock/Stub/Spy library for Python | |
py-flit | Simple packaging tool for simple packages | |
py-flit_core | Distribution-building parts of Flit | |
py-flit_scm | PEP 518 build backend that uses setuptools_scm | |
py-flufl.i18n | High level API for Python internationalization | |
py-flufl.lock | NFS-safe file locking with timeouts for POSIX systems | |
py-flufl.testing | Small collection of test tool plugins | |
py-freezegun | Let your Python tests travel through time | |
py-frozendict | Immutable wrapper around dictionaries | |
py-frozenlist | List-like structure which implements | |
py-funcparserlib | Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators | |
py-funcsigs | Python function signatures package for Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2+ | |
py-functools32 | Backport of the functools module from Python 3.2.3 | |
py-future | Clean single-source support for Python 3 and 2 | |
py-futures | Library brings asynchronous computations from Python 3.x | |
py-fuzzywuzzy | Fuzzy String Matching in Python | |
py-fx2 | Library for interacting with Cypress EZ-USB FX2 series microcontrollers | |
py-game | Set of Python modules designed for writing games | |
py-game_sdl2 | Set of Python modules designed for writing games for RenPy | |
py-gaphas (V) | Gaphas is a GTK+ based diagramming widget | |
py-gast | Python AST that abstracts the underlying Python version | |
py-gcovr | Generate GCC code coverage reports | |
py-generate | Python interface to Generate | |
py-Genetic (V) | Python-genetic provides genetic algorithms for Python | |
py-geoip (V) | Pure Python GeoIP API | |
py-gflags | Python equivalent of gflags, a commandline flag implementation | |
py-gi-docgen | Documentation tool for GObject-based libraries | |
py-gidgethub | Async GitHub API library | |
py-git-code-debt (V) | Dashboard for monitoring code debt in a git repository | |
py-gitdb | Git Object Database | | (V) | Python wrapper for the GitHub API | |
py-gitinspector | The statistical analysis tool for git repositories |